
  • Montserrat was interviewed by NPR! Take a listen here:  4 out of 5 autoimmune disease patients are women, and scientists want to know why (February 2024)

  • Our review article, The conneXion between sex and immune responses, has been published in Nature Reviews Immunology! (21 February 2024)

  • Claudia and Natalie had poster presentations at the FOCIS RNA Regulation of the Genome Conference in Cancun, Mexico (February 2024)

  • The Anguera Lab crushes the BMS Dept Holiday party gingerbread house competition! (December 2023)

  • Research Associate Nuriban Valero-Pacheco joined the lab! (September 2023)

  • Claudia had a poster presentation at the FASEB Autoimmunity Conference in Southbridge MA (August 2023)

  • Anguera lab members Claudia, Nikhil, Natalie, and Katherine swept lightning talk awards and poster awards at the BMS departmental retreat, with Katherine taking first in lightning talks! (June 2023)

  • Emma was awarded the T32 (June 2023)

  • Claudia and Natalie had poster presentations at the X-Chromosome Inactivation Meeting in Berlin, Germany (June 2023)

  • Emma Welter joined the lab as our newest G&E graduate student (13 May 2023)

  • Claudia was awarded an F30! (May 2023)

  • Claudia and Nikhil presented at the Colton Autoimmunity Retreat (April 2023)

  • Katherine had a poster presentation at the Midwinter Immunology Conference, and Natalie presented her work in a talk at the Epigenetic Symposium (January 2023)

  • Zowie Searcy joined the lab as the new research specialist and mouse manager (January 2023).

  • Nikhil was a Recipient of the Penn Institute for Immunology and Immune Health (I3H) Pilot Grant (2023)

  • Katherine was selected for an oral presentation at the Philadelphia Infection and Immunity Forum and had a poster presentation at the International Sex Differences in Immunology Conference (December 2022)

  • Claudia did a poster presentation at APSA/ASCI/AAP Joint Meeting (April 2022)

  • Katherine made 1st place platform presentation at the UPenn Biomedical Postdoctoral Symposium and was selected for an oral presentation at the UPenn Vet Dept of Biomedical Sciences Retreat (April 2022)

  • Nikhil won the Penn Department of Medicine Measet Physician-Scientist Fellowship Award, a Scleroderma Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, and a Rheumatology Research Foundation Tobé and Stephen E. Malawaista, MD, Endowment in Academic Rheumatology - Scientist Development Award (2022)

  • Katherine completes an NIH Postdoctoral training fellowship in Hematopoiesis (T32 DK-07780) (2021-2023)

  • Montserrat is featured in a segment of RadioLab. Listen here: The Unsilencing (August 2021)

  • Montserrat was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! (July 2019)

  • Natalie Toothacre (CAMB program, G&E) joined our lab – WELCOME!!  (May 2019)

  • Welcome to Makheni Jean-Pierre, who joined us during the summer of 2019 with the Penn Summer Internship Program (SUIP) (Summer 2019)

  • Welcome to Penn Vet student, Kaitlyn Cassel, who joined us during the summer of 2019 for the Penn Vet BI Summer Research Program (Summer 2019)

  • Camille’s review article (“When the balance is broken”) on X-linked gene dosage and female-biased autoimmunity is accepted! Yet another witty title for a review article from our lab. (May 2019)

  • Zack passed his prelim, and is an official candidate for the PhD program in the Penn CAMB DSRB program!! (May 2019)

  • Anguera lab graduates for 2019: Congratulations to Don, who graduated with a B.S. with honors from Penn; Congrats to Steve Hayes, who graduated from Penn Vet also with honors; Congrats to Anna Martin, who also graduated from Penn Vet! (May 2019)

  • Montserrat & Camille participated in the first Anguera lab hooding ceremony, for the Penn BGS Graduation! (May 2019)

  • Isabel’s review article (“Enjoy the silence”) on XCI diversity in somatic cells is accepted! (April 2019)

  • Camille defended her dissertation with flying colors and joined Gerd Blobel’s lab at CHOP.  We wish her all the best! (March 2019)

  • Welcome to Cardboard_Camille, our special 2D slightly larger-than-life replica of Camille. She likes to move around the 3rd floor of Rosenthal and surprise members of other labs. (March 2019)

  • Mr. Sparkles continued to get bigger (& sassier) in the lab, demanding more frequent feedings. (Spring 2019)

  • Our lab’s first paper on XCI in T cells is accepted at JCI Insight!! (March 2019)

  • Camille presented her research in a short talk at the 2019 Keystone RNAs in Immunity meeting (Feb 2019)

  • Camille & Isabel’s paper on XCI features in macrophages, dendritic cells, and NK cells was accepted!! (January 2019)

  • Camille’s manuscript on sex differences in human ESCs and early placental progenitors was accepted!! (October 2018)

  • Camille, Isabel, & Montserrat presented at the 2018 CSHL Epigenetics meeting in Cold Spring Harbor, NY (September 2018)

  • Welcome to the lab, Zachary Beetham! Zack is a CAMB G&E student (June 2018)

  • Welcome Natalia Enid Aponte Borges! Natalia is part of the Penn Summer Undergraduate Internship Program (June 2018)

  • Congratulations to Don who is doing a summer research program in NYC at Sloan Kettering (June 2018)

  • Farewell Anna, we wish you all the best in your final year of Vet School (May 2018)

  • The Anguera lab welcomes Aimee Dubin as our new Research Specialist! (May 2018)

  • Congratulations to Isabel for being appointed to the T-32 in Immune System Development and Regulation (May 2018)

  • Isabel passed her prelim with flying colors and is officially a PhD candidate in DSRB!!! (May 2018)

  • Anna presented her research at the 2018 AAI meeting in Austin, Texas (May 2018)

  • Congratulations to Montserrat for receiving an NIAID R01 and a Lupus Foundation of America D.O.D grant!! Read about it here (May 2018)

  • Anna wins first place for her talk at the Vet Student Research Day! (March 2018)

  • Turns out Sparkles is a boy, and he celebrates his first birthday this month. Happy birthday, Mr. Sparkles! (March 2018)

  • Montserrat and Camille attended the 2018 Midwinter Conference of Immunologists in Monterey, CA (January 2018)

  • Camille was selected for a talk at the 2018 Penn Epigenetics Spatial and Functional Genomics Symposium (January 2018)

  • Camille’s paper was accepted in Plos Genetics.

  • Camille's NRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) was awarded from the NIH! (August 2017).

  • Summer lab axe throwing competition: Anguera lab against the Lengner lab (Aug 2017).

  • Camille received a travel award to attend the EMBO Workshop on B cells in health and disease in Girona, Spain (August 2017).

  • The Anguera Lab welcomes its newest member, Sparkles, the axolotl (August 2017).

  • Welcome to the Lab, Bam Paneru! (July 2017).

  • Camille receives a Goldie Simon Preceptorship award from the Lupus Foundation of America (June 2017).

  • Welcome to the Lab, Isabel Sierra! Isabel is a CAMB-DSRB PhD Student (June 2017).

  • Welcome Donavon Sandoval-Heglund! Don is a Penn Undergraduate and is a part of the PURM summer research program (May 2017).

  • Erin Achilles (Vet ’19) received an NIH-Merial Summer Research grant to work in the lab (May 2017).

  • Steve received the Morris Animal Foundation summer research fellowship, Congrats Steve! (May 2017).

  • Welcome to the Anguera Lab, Anna Martin! Anna received an HHMI career fellowship grant! She will be taking a year off of Vet school to do research full-time in the Anguera & Atchison labs (April 2017).

  • Jianle’s JOVE methods paper is now in press (April 2017).

  • Camille was appointed to the Developmental Biology Training Grant (T32) at Penn (June 2016).

  • First lab publication to make the cover!

  • "LNCRHOXF1: a long noncoding RNA from the X-chromosome that suppresses viral response genes during development of the early human placenta" is now in press in Molecular Cell Biology (May 2016).

  • Jianle was selected to give a talk at the 10th annual meeting of the Organization for the Society of Sex Differences (May 2016). 

  • Camile was selected to attend the 2016 Van Andel Research Institute summer course on Epigenomics (May 2016). 

  • Steve Hanes received an NIH-Merial Summer Research grant (2016).

  • First publication from the Anguera Lab now in press at PNAS (March 2016).

  • Montserrat received an NIH-BIRCWH Scholarship (January 2016).

  • Ian Penkala placed 3rd in the 2015 Penn Vet Student Research Day presentations (March 2015).

  • Camille received a travel award to present her research at the 2016 Keystone Conference on Long noncoding RNAs (October 2015).

  • Jianle was selected to give a seminar on her research at the Penn Postdoctoral Research Symposium (October 2015).

  • Camille received a grant from the American Lupus Foundation (June 2015).

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